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Join Us
Join our partnership of schools – Quest Trust are welcoming conversations with schools who may wish to consider joining us.
Quest Trust provides education for 0-19 year olds from Early Years to Education. We believe that through genuine school to school collaboration and shared values, we can be stronger together and 'Unlock Potential'.

Strategy for 2023-25
If you are curious and would like to know more about QUEST we would be keen to hear from you.
Simply email or call 01942 834000 and we can start our conversation today.
Are you only looking to work with schools in Wigan and Bolton?No, we are open to conversations from all types of schools across the North West region.
What about non-church schools?QUEST is a partnership of both faith and community schools and our articles reflect each school's distinct designation
How will I know if QUEST is right for me?The primary purpose of our Trust is to serve our children within their communities. Each school within QUEST brings unique value to the collective group and the Trust supports the growth of best practice for all.
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